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This kit has everything you need to begin to address a fresh tick bite. This is a must-have for any first aid kit. Acting immediately upon being bitten can be the difference between a simple bite or the potential for complications down the road. This kit is NOT a full protocol. It is a first step and what is needed until you can decide what treatment might be necessary for full clearance.


The kit includes:

4 ml clove essential oil

2 ounces nano-particle colloidal silver

2 ounces custom Exterminator tincture

Tick removing tweezers with magnifying glass

Small baggieTick Identification Reference

More information on what to do next


EXTERMINATOR ingredients: Cryptolepis (Cryptolepis sanguinolenta), Astragalus Root (Astragalus membranaceus), Sweet Annie (Artemesia Annua aerial parts), Andrographis aerial parts, Japanese Knotweed root (Polygonum cuspitadum), Cats Claw vine (Uncaria tomentosa), Bupleurum root (Bupleurum chinense), Black Walnut Hull (Juglans nigra), Isatis root (Isatis tinctoria), Echinacea angustifolia (aerial or root),  organic cane alcohol, spring water


(organic herb ingredients when avaialble. Herbs may vary due to availability)


Dosage recommendation is for adult use.


This information has not been approved by the FDA.  Use at your own risk. By purchasing this product, I understand I am choosing to take this product at my own risk and choice and accept full responsibility. I understand that I will not hold any other person responsible for any consequences of such a decision.


"Tick Bit Kit"

SKU: 364215376135191
  • This product is non-refundable

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